Untitled Celebrity Travel project
Location: Nashville, TN
Type: Reality TV
Casting extras for new Travel Channel show featuring a big name celebrity talent as they tour a city. This episode will feature Nashville. Need extras for two separate roles.
Location 1 Shoots Apr. 1 (2 p.m.) in Nashville, TN. Location 2 Shoots Apr. 1 (4 p.m.) in Nashville, TN.
Pays: $50
Coffee Shop Patrons (Background / Extra): Males & Females, 24-35, All Ethnicities. Looking for extras to act as coffee shop patrons while celebrity talent comes in for coffee and food. Must have an outgoing personality.
People in the Park (Background/Extra): Males & Females, 24-35, All Ethnicities. Looking for extras to be playing a game in Owen Bradley Park that the celebrity can approach and say hello to while walking through the park. Must be outgoing.
Back Roads Entertainment
Jessica Gill, casting dir.
Please email applications to brecasting@gmail.com
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Nashville, TN
Please submit to: brecasting@gmail.com
This casting notice was posted by: Back Roads Entertainment