True Life Casting

By | April 30, 2010

Do you worry excessively about having a serious illness?

True Life wants to know what it’s like to live in perpetual fear of being sick. The affect it can have on one’s life varies from constantly seeking medical attention to extreme avoidance of doctors. Most find it hard to make friends, while some have been fortunate enough to find that one friend they can always count on to believe them. Living with this fear and worry, in and of itself, can lead to panic attacks, anxiety and nausea. What’s your story?

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 25, please email You should include your name, location, phone number and a photo of yourself. Please explain your situation in detail. The more you share, the more we can start to understand your story. For example: Do you constantly self-diagnose? What are your most common symptoms? What tools do you use (blood pressure monitors, thermometers, the internet, tv, etc.)? Do you have a physician that you see regularly, or do you shop around… or do you avoid the medical profession altogether? Do you perform daily medically-beneficial rituals that you feel keep you healthy? Are you an extreme germ-a-phobe? Are you a shut-in, afraid to leave the safety of your home? How does being a hypochondriac affect your social life and/or work life? What do your family and friends think of your behavior? Does anyone support your fears?