By | February 22, 2010

Brandon Cotter is doing a last minute casting call for his play, ‘id’.

Story follows an old group of Phildelphian friends, who get together after their 10 year high school reunion. As the play progresses, we find out these characters are suvivors of a school shooting. They find a person that may have known about the event prior to the tragic day and confront them.

Character of Maria is going to be done as a younger and older version. Actress must be able to play both role effortlessly and NATURALISTICALLY! Maria; 27, Female – Latina American (NO ACCENTS. Actress must have a wide range of accents and easily slip out of them) – Standard Neutral American Accent-Beautiful, elegant, tough, smart, fashionable, professional, has a sense of humor, has re-invented herself from her younger years. Younger Maria; 17. Completely different attitude. Urban and course (more Jersey accent), but just as smart. Certainly less tactful and elegant, but has a straight forwardness that is lacking in older Maria, has more of a street side to her.

The person we cast has to be able to do the rehearsal days (which are already in progress). Rehearsal nights are, Sunday, Monday, and Thursdays from 7pm to 10pm through late April. Tech/performance will be May 2nd to May 9th. This will be performed in a theatre located on 43rd st and 8th ave! Need strong nautralistic actor that has range!
First batch of auditions will be this Saturday, Feb. 20 from 6pm to 9pm. E-mail to get confirmation of where the auditions will be.

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