Artist Seeking Actor for performance piece | NYC

By | October 18, 2010

Auditions for actor NY

Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York

‘Like an Iron Maiden’
Rehana Zaman, artist, is seeking an actor for a short live performance at Scaramouche Gallery, Lower East Side, NY. Auditions will be held by appointment on November 1st, performs Nov 7.

Seeking female, 40’s – 60’s, White Caucasian who will perform the role of a greek chorus in relation to a video work. Please email pics and resume to schedule an appointment. Note actor may need to memorize short  text

Rehana Zaman is an artist currently producing video and performance works that explore themes of writing and agency. Previous works include Radio Plays, Live monologue Performances and text works that have featured in art fairs such as Frieze and Art Athina, experimental writing publications and radio stations in London. Her work has also been shown internationally and she has worked with actors Akbar Kurtha, Souad Faress and David Gooderson. She lives and works in London.

Casting Location: New York
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