Audition Australia “Lady Windermere’s Fan” South Perth

By | March 5, 2010

Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde – Theater audition Australia

South Perth 6951

Old Mill Theatre, Mends St. South Perth (opp. Windsor Hotel, Mill Point Rd)

A period piece. Oscar Wilde’s first play written in 1892. Obsessions with with other people’s business and dramas is very much alive and well to the present day! Who is the ‘other woman’ in Lord Windermere’s life and why has she such a hold over him? All is not as it seems!

Lady Windermere’s Fan – Character Descriptions
Lord Windermere – (20-30s but could be older) A decent man concerned about position in society as well as for his family. Deeply in love with his wife, he does also cling equally to his perceived responsibilities as master of the house to the extent it might cost him the feeling of his marriage if not the marriage itself.
Lord Darlington – (20-30s but could be older) A passionate man who does not concern himself so much with the demands of society at the expense of his desire. Society should come naturally to him but it is also something he is wary of. Lady Windemere’s heart might be a game to him or sincere.
Lord Augustus Lorton – (mature actor) Somewhat stuffy and staid in his appearance but oddly fragile as well. Need to have a real sense of joy with this actor as his character travels. Casting will depend on casting of Lady Windemere.
Mr. Dumby – (any age) The hen-pecked husband with the desire for something else but a feather to the wind of women.
Mr. Cecil Graham – (any age) Should be smug, self-centered and self-serving but so charming people hate to enjoy him as much as they do. And they do enjoy him.
Mr. Hopper – (any age) Crass. Nouveau. He is what everyone wants but can’t abide themselves for wanting. Should have an air of money but also not be so strident as the British are.
Parker, Butler – (any age) Must be able to portray dry British sense of self yet also convey thoughts and opinion to the audience about what is happening.
Mr. Hopper – (any age) Crass. Nouveau. He is what everyone wants but can’t abide themselves for wanting. Should have an air of money but also not be so strident as the British are.

Lady Windermere – (Late teens to 20s) A young woman sheltered to the point she is out of touch with her own feelings to the point she possibly is unaware they exist. She clings fiercely to family and station as that’s all she’s been taught about life. She might be naïve. She is fragile and innocent but there is a drive to her as well.
The Duchess of Berwick – Berwick (30s and above) Quick wit. Sense of style and yet oddly unself-aware. She is society. Must carry that on her as veterans wear badges. Deep voice and carriage. She can be impatient, is rarely incorrect and even more rarely right.
Lady Agatha Carlisle – (any age but casting will depend on the Duchess of Berwick) Should understand how to tell Agatha’s story through silence which is her cross, refuge and weapon when dealing with and around her mother.
Lady Stutfield – (any age) One of the society ladies who enjoy the social season.
Lady Jedburgh – (any age) Easily impressed and quick changes in emotion. She needs a terrific or odd strong laugh.
Mrs. Cowper-Cowper – (any age) A very cautious woman.
Mrs. Erlynne – (At least mid 30s) A wise woman. She has been scarred but has transformed scandal into virtue. She is the most aware of the gifts and burdens of society. Must be good with language. It’s a highly emotional part that must be played very simply with strong emotion and simple truth.
Rosalie, Maid – (any age) Must be able to portray dry British sense of self yet also convey thoughts and opinion to the audience about what is happening.

will be the June production, directed by Jeff Watkins (The Admirable Crighton)
Production dates: June 18 -July 3 2010

Actors must either have English accents , or sound as if they have! For information regarding the Diretor’s s requirements etc, please contact:
Jeff Watkins: labrug@hotmail,com

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