BBC Casting Parenting Show in March 2010 | UK Casting Call

By | February 15, 2010

We’re looking for contributors to a new documentary, presented by Sophie Raworth, which will feature the latest research into parenting and its impact on children and teenagers.
Are you a parent? Are you a young person still living with your parents, or recently moved out of the family home? If so, we’d like to talk to you.
These are some of the issues we want to hear from you about:
Babies: Are you finding it a struggle to care for and love your baby or toddler?
Young children: Do you work full time and have a child at daycare or nursery whose behaviour concerns you? Did your child go to a nursery and find the move to school difficult?
Teenagers: Do you and your partner work long hours and feel that you hardly ever see your teenagers? Are they distant, difficult and often getting into trouble?
Early puberty: Did your daughter go through puberty unusually early? We’d like to talk to girls in their teens or early twenties about their experiences and the problems that going through puberty early (before the age of 11) may have caused them.
Parenting courses: Have you been on a parenting course? Did it improve your relationship with your child?
Changing childcare: Have you tried different types of childcare for your children and did some work better than others?
Arguments: Do you and your partner argue a lot? Are you worried about the impact of this on your children?
This programme is produced for the BBC by Moonstone Films.
To apply
Please contact Bella using the email address above if you or anyone you know is interested and would like to know more. Your query will be treated confidentially.
Closing date: 31 March 2010

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