Canada Auditions Touring Youth Choir / Chamber Ensemble

By | June 22, 2010

Auditions have been announced for the 11th year of the Cantiamo Chamber Ensemble. Auditions for new members 2010/11 season will begin in September. The choir is looking for singers 13 to 25 years of age.

Cantiamo is an accomplished youth choir under the direction of Jen Riley. They are known for their beautiful harmonies, challenging and varied repertoire and a wonderful camaraderie among choir members.

The choir has toured widely within Canada and internationally. They have performed in Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria, California, Newfoundland and Banff. Further travels are planned for upcoming years.

If you love to sing, are between the ages of 13 and 25 and would like to be a part of this exciting group, call Jen Riley at 250-334-8027 to set up an audition time. The choir is located in the Comex Valley area of Canada.