Casting 2 Men for Reality Show “Good Ole American Road Trip”

By | February 3, 2010

Nancy Hayes Casting is looking for two adventurous guys between 25-35 to head out on a 3 week good ole American Road Trip from Whitefish, Montana to San Francisco, California to discover unique people and their traditions, rituals and quirky behavior that bring communities together and add to the spirit and fabric of the Black Star Beer tradition.
The trip length will be 21 days March 1st –March 22nd States included in route – Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, California, Arizona Participants must have a valid U.S. driver’s license. Accommodations will be an air steam trailer and occasional hotel. Hosts will be compensated and all expenses will be paid. Trip sponsored by Black Star Beer.

If you have a documentary style footage from a recent trip please send us the link to

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