Casting 4 girls that appear to be 10 year olds

By | February 5, 2010

lead girl wants a horse more than anything, is adventurous & daring
best friend is reserved but courageous, loves animals, will do almost anything to protect them
another friend is artistic, cautious around adults, loves dogs
another friend is very talkative, loves statistics and sea creatures
Also casting
lead girl’s Mom and Dad in their late thirties, early forties
2 female baddies in their late fifties or older
girl who can look 6 years old to play lead girl’s little sister
Five shoot days. Horse riding experience not necessary.
Shooting Spring 2010
Contact Details: Bonnie or Russ

7 thoughts on “Casting 4 girls that appear to be 10 year olds

  1. Elizabeth

    I really want this part so I’ll turbans send a comment everyday.the only bad thing is u dint know when it where the auditions are

  2. Elizabeth

    My grandpa also has some horses that I rode when I was 4, but I really I want to have the experience of riding a horse again because I remember how much I enjoyed it.

  3. Elizabeth

    Hello my name is Elizabeth, I’m 10 years old and live in California. I have been searching for auditions my whole life and I really want this part of the Maine character.

  4. Hollie Davis

    I am 10 years old, and am looking for several audition opportunities. I would be so grateful if I could have this opportunity, as I love horses and would love one myself!!

  5. Hannah Wolfe

    I love horses and I have ridden horses and loved them since I was 6 years old, so please pick me.

  6. jamelia

    Please pick me me and my friend really want this opportunity.


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