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Casting Actor for Film NYC

By | December 10, 2010

Acting Auditions NY

High Stakes is comedy/parody based on the poker games of films such as casino royale / Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels etc. The story centers around Jack (the “kid”) who is taking part in an underground high stakes card game. He is in over his head. The game is being held in an abandoned factory. The organizer of the game (Frank) is a dangerous man with a no-nonsense attitude. He is feared in the underground card circuit and rumored to have never lost. There are several other “stereotypically bondish” characters taking part in the game.

The film sets itself up as a very serious, both in performances and camera style. After a long introductory speech from Frank in regards to what lay at stake, it is revealed that the game to be played is uno. The seriousness of the style and performances never waiver, and Frank goes on to outline the official matel rules. The card game commences.

Facing near defeat, Jack has a flashback to his last meeting with his trainer. The trainer is a mash-up of mickey (from rocky), Robert Redford (the color of money) etc.

Jack must remember and use the advice from his trainer if he is to win.


[TRAINER] 40-70, MALE – A rough around the edges, broken man. The trainer is an ex-uno player himself who has retired some years past. He has taken Jack (reluctantly) under his wing. He spends most of his time at a local bar where he drinks scotch and smokes heavily. To him Jack is “just a kid” but is probably the best player he has ever trained. The trainer is a basically a parody of every “trainer” type from hollywood. Mic from Rocky, Robert redford from the color of money, Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid etc.

One afternoon/evening shoot TBD between the 5-7 of January, 2011.
No pay but credit and copy.

Please respond to highstakescasting@gmail.com with headshot and resume.