Casting Call – Ever had a truly bad date or awful roommate?

By | February 4, 2010

We are working with an Emmy-winning production company to develop TV shows based on our blogs, My Very Worst Date ( and My Very Worst Roommate ( We are calling for video submissions for potential casting.


1. Please email your submission via or other file sharing site if it¹s too large to send by regular email.

2. Aim to make your story around 90 seconds or less. Please read sample entries on either blog to get an idea of the types of stories we like.

3. Sit right in front of the camera (head and shoulders is good) and tell the story as if you were telling your best friend.

4. Tell your Worst Date or Worst Roommate story as if it just happened if possible. There is no need to introduce your video or give your name on camera.

Any questions? Just email us at