Casting Call – Families Who Own and Operate Their Own Local Restaurants

By | October 7, 2010

Does your family own and run a restaurant? Do you and your children or siblings all pitch in to help out?

MTV is looking for families who own and operate their own local restaurants. The bigger the family, the better. We’re especially interested in families who live in small towns or beach communities. We’d like restaurants where the entire family is involved in the business from managing and hosting to cooking and serving. If your family is close-knit, fun, outgoing and full of personality, please send an email to with your name, location, and names and pictures of your entire family. Please give us some background about the restaurant, including how long the family has owned it, who does what at the restaurant, and how much time is spent there on average a week.

If this does not fit you or your restaurant, but you know of someone it does, please pass it along to them.