CASTING CALL for Student Film in Denver Colorado

By | February 27, 2010

CASTING CALL for Student Film in Denver Colorado. Casting 3 short films, Stained, My Funny Valentine, and Blackout

We would like to offer you the opportunity to attend our open casting call. These are our final projects in college, and they will be awesome! This will be an extremely professionally run set and we would love for you to audition.

Depending on which film you are cast in, you will need to be free for some or all of the following dates:
“My Funny Valentine” – 26th 27th and the 28th of March.
“Stained” – 9th 10th and 11th of April.
“Blackout” – 16th 17th and 18th of April
Potential Pick-Up Dates – 23rd 24th and 25th of April


When a fraternal twin dies unexpectedly his brother must lean to let go or slowly slip into madness.

RYAN BAXTER- Early 20’s, He is a tall with an average build and slim. He has just lost his brother in a car accident. Him and his brother were extremely close. He is very dependent and with know one to rely on he has started to close down and push people away.

MYLES BAXTER – Early 20, He is also tall his build is bigger than his brother. He is Ryan’s twin brother. He is very strong and independent. He is also driven by his feelings and acts on impulse. He is more likely to get in a fight than talk it out.

TESLA – A Short female between the ages of 20 and 65. She is the protector of the spiritual world. She always has a happy face on she is mechanical and by the book. She is also very tough someone you don’t want to cross.

CHARLOTTE/ GOON 1 – Early 20’s, Very pretty with an average build she is not fat but she is not a twig either. She is a caring compassionate person. The lone girl in this crazy group of guys there is strength in her. She wants’ to find a way to stop the pain, she wants to keep every one together. She hates it when people fight.

KEVIN / GOON 2– Early 20’s, he is the fun guy always cracking jokes and trying to make things light hearted. He wants to be there for his friend but he doesn’t know how. He comes off as insensitive and awkward. He doesn’t mean to be.

YOUNG RYAN – Age 9 -Caring person with a lot of energy his twin brother is his hero.

YOUNG MYLES – Age 9 – Compassionate person who looks out for his younger brother.

FUTURE RYAN – Late 20’s

FUTURE MYLES – Late 20’s


Synopsis: My Funny Valentine is a comedy about Bruce Chunk, a man who despises Valentine’s Day due to his parent’s decision to celebrate it as their huge family holiday growing up rather than Christmas. But when his new wife’s water breaks at this year’s annual festivities, Bruce must blackmail her to cover it up and hold in the baby until they can escape his parent’s house, so his future child won’t be submitted to a lifetime of torturous birthdays by his grandparents. Along the way he learns a lesson about the crazy things parents do to protect their kids and winds up finding some respect for the illogical decisions his own parents made.

BRUCE CHUNK, in his early thirties, has never been blessed with more than enough of anything. When he looks in the mirror each morning, he sees an average joe, with an average life, and an average car, always wishing for something more than average for once. Ages 25-35

NANCY CHUNK, Bruce’s wife, is the yin to his yang, the optimism to his cynicism, and the forcefulness to his stubbornness. Pregnant with their first child. Ages 25-35

CHAD BOSWICK, also in his early thirties, is the golden boy who grew up across the street, always living the life Bruce wanted. A childish rivalry boils in the blood of both grown men. Ages 25-35

VERONICA BOSWICK, Chad’s stepford wife, is nearly perfect in every way. Sweet and funny, it’s hard to hate her for being so perfect. Ages 25-35

ZELDA CHUNK, is Bruce’s erratic and overly affectionate mother. Although frequently embarrassing and probably a little mentally unstable, she loves her son. Ages 50-65

HOWARD CHUNK, Bruce’s goofy father, is a “free spirit.” He has found peace and harmony with the world, and cherishes family above all else. Ages 50-65



To avenge his brother, a young man, Reed Tucker, enters the underground world of street fighting to face his attacker, Tyrell Payne.

REED TUCKER, 22, has some muscles and athletic ability but is more on the scrawny side. He has avoided responsibility and confrontations most of his life. He never really learned how to stand up for himself.

ANTON TUCKER, 20, is a fit and toned young man. He has a restless sense of adventure, which has landed him into trouble a couple of occasions.

TYRELL PAYNE, 24, is ripped, buff and basks in the glory that is his attractiveness. He lives for the admiration of strangers and the power over his colleagues. He rules by intimidation, because fear is the most potent skill he has.

TASHA WALKER, 21, is always dressed to impress, even in a simple pair of jeans and a tank top. She is sassy and playful; she’s not afraid to speak her mind.

DENZEL PARK, 21, a size too small for his baggy clothes and a mouth too big for anybody’s good.

TROY HURDLE, 19, with greasy hair and a mouse-like complex.

LILY SMITH, 16, a punk princess who tries too hard and lacks in the intellectual department.

REBA TURNER, 17, wise beyond her years and dressed conspicuously with a knit cap.

UNDERCOVER COP 1, 30’s, with short cropped hair and dressed in civilian clothes and a cool demeanor.

UNDERCOVER COP 2, 20’s, has nicer disposition than his colleges because he’s hasn’t been on the force long. He has short black hair and is dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans.

UNDERCOVER COP 3, 30’s, who takes a no nonsense approach to his work and has a love of stripped polo shirts.

UNDERCOVER COP 4, 30’s, a hefty mean son of a gun.

Directed by Genetra Tull, Paul Goggin, and Kayla Galvin – Bring a headshot, resume and come prepared with a comedic and dramatic monologue.

Work sample:

Date: Sunday, February 28th, 2010
Time: 1230 pm – 5pm
E-mail us for a time slot at
Location: Parc Belmar Apartments Clubhouse
7301 West Ohio Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
Parking: There is free parking available out front or in the future resident parking.
Pay: No Pay, this will be for your reel and resume

One thought on “CASTING CALL for Student Film in Denver Colorado

  1. Carrie Poe

    I am interested and feel that I fit the part of Charlotte in “Stained” quite well…. I am in my early 20’s and average sized. I am trying to get my acting career up a going, so don’t have much of a resume….


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