Casting Call – Do You Need Help Discovering the Truth About a Friend, Family Member or Co-Worker?

By | October 20, 2010

Do you think that your husband is cheating? Is your girlfriend spending time outside of work and you’d like to know exactly what she’s up to? Is there something else you’d like to uncover about a friend, family member or coworker? Is there something you’d like to learn about your own past?

A national cable network is looking for people who need help discovering the truth. If selected, a licensed private investigator will work for you – FREE OF CHARGE. Selected cases will be chosen to potentially appear on a new TV series which debuts March 2011.


– Participants must live in Northern California.

– Participants must appear to be between the ages of 25 and 55.

– Participants must be available for taping during November 2010.

If this sounds like you, then email a brief description of your story along with a picture of yourself ASAP to to be considered for the show.

All information will be held in confidence unless chosen for broadcast.