Casting Call – Tri State Are People Who Can Dance Anywhere, Anytime in Any Situation

By | July 20, 2010

For a chance to win $10,000…

Would you breakdance down the aisles of Whole Foods? Belly dance through Times Square? Krump in the waiting room of your doctor’s office? Really bust a move in a lecture hall full of your students?

If you, or someone you know, are leaping out of your chair shouting “YES! Yes, I would!” and you can dance… Anywhere, any time, in any situation…

Send us your most impressive and outrageous moves! SALSA, HIP HOP, SWING, TAP… ANY and ALL types of dances and dancers (age 18+) in the TRI-STATE area welcome to apply!

Please email us a brief note telling us a bit about you and your dance style. Be sure to include name and phone number and don’t forget to attach a small movie file that shows off your dancing skills!

Email submissions to: