Casting Circus Performers | Chicago

By | May 15, 2010

Audition Notice

As we put together a circus to be performed in rock venues, nightclubs, and other
unconventional spaces in Chicago beginning in June, we are looking for guest performers
who can knock our socks off and be great crowd pleasers. Might this be you?
We are looking for specialty acts to serve as guest performers that are freaky, astounding,
and titillating. This includes acts of human virtuosity that cannot be done by the common
person, performance art that can freak out audiences, magic acts that amaze and astound,
high energy performances that hold peoples attention, or anything else that would fit into
a circus that celebrates the freak in all of us. Surprise us. Performers may come from the
worlds of burlesque, circus, dance, comedy, magic, drag, performance art, or just about
anywhere. All positions paid.
We will have weekly audition times beginning Saturday, May 22 from 1-2pm. Please send a
photo and information about your skills or act to Include your
general availability and the best way to contact you.
About the company:
Jonny Stax Presents, Inc. is a Chicago based entertainment company that develops and
produces creative ventures and learning opportunities that progress imaginative
understanding through an innovative blend of media, participants, and content. As
executive producer of The Scooty and JoJo Show (, they have
produced such cult hits as CARPENTERS HALLOWEEN, DIVA BRUNCH, and MOLLYWOOD.
Production formats include cabaret, circus, theater, puppets, and film.