Casting Doubles for an episode of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

By | March 10, 2010

Heery Casting is looking to cast 2 male ice skaters for and episode of the popular comedy series “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.

We are looking for 2 Photo Doubles who can ICE SKATE for an episode of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

Needed are Caucasian male, 5’6″ (“Charlie”) and Caucasian male, 5’8″ (“Mac”), who resemble the actors and must be able to ICE SKATE!
This is a AFTRA contract, but both union and non-union talent will be considered.

Pictures MUST be in .jpg format and resumes MUST be in .doc format.
Please DO NOT send links to other websites- they will not be opened.
Include in the body of the email- your name, phone number, agent (if any), AFTRA status, and AFTRA number (If applicable.)
Please submit picture and resume to:

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