Casting female roles for Indie Film | Miami

By | March 3, 2010

I am casting 8 female roles for an independent non-union horror film being shot in the Everglades during April 25 – May 3. The movie is called “Hell Glades” and is about a group of women from South Beach who go camping in the Everglades to toughen up, and then battle an ancient Seminole Indian warrior spirit.

The compensation is $300 per day (negotiable), and housing, food, and transportation will be provided. Each role offers an average of about 4 days of work. The role requires each actress to be comfortable with appearing primarily in a bikini, and does not require nudity but an additional $100 stipend per topless scene is offered to those who are willing. I will be having two auditions this coming weekend Saturday March 6th in Miami, and Sunday March 7th in Ft. Lauderdale, from 10AM until the evening. The audition will entail reading a page of script while wearing a bikini, which will be videotaped so that a committee of executive producers can determine the best talents for the movie. Please email me to set up a time for your audition. If you are a guy then please do not contact me, all of the male roles have been filled. Below are the audition locations:

Saturday March 6th
2140 South Dixie Highway • Suite 301
Miami, Florida 33133

Sunday March 7th
6282 North Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309

About the director:
My name is Aiden Dillard and I have made 3 independent movies, 2 of which can be rented on Netflix or (“Meat Weed Madness” and “Meat Weed America”). Last year I made the movie “Death Print” here in Miami, starring Ted Vernon, RubberDoll, Otto Von Shirach, and Notorious Nastie, and it premiered at The Colony Theater in South Beach, and will be released on DVD soon. Below are some of my websites:

About the company:



Sheila enters the cabin and follows the trail of blood to the bed that Tonya was hiding under. She then looks under the bed and does not notice as Ted enters the cabin and watches her.

Did you lose something?

Sheila then pulls a cell phone out from underneath the bed, and examines it.

No, but I found something. I think it might be Roselyn’s phone.

Ted tries not to look upset as Sheila then opens the phone’s call history.

The last call that was made from this phone was to 9-1-1, and it was made only one hour ago! That’s really strange! She might be nearby!

How do you know that is Roselyn’s phone?

Sheila then looks through the text message history, and sees the message that she had received earlier. Sheila shows Ted the text message: “AT CAMP, CHANTING LOUDER”.

I received this message about the chanting from Roselyn. This is definitely her phone.

Well just because the phone belongs to Roselyn, doesn’t necessarily mean that she dialed 9-1-1 an hour ago. It was probably Tonya. Do you know where she is? I came here to check on her.

I don’t know where she is.

Well I need to find her. She is in no condition to be walking around. You stay here and wait for her and I will go and look for her.

Yes sure, but please hurry.

Ted exits the cabin, leaving Sheila alone.

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