Casting for Feature Film |MA

By | March 6, 2010

Salty Bovine Film’s latest endeavor is an experimental improvisation project for a full-length feature. One section of this film is a party shoot that will take place in late June or early July 2010. There will be a one day requirement for a rehearsal with cast and crew and one day for shooting. The location is already set for northern central Massachusetts. The crew will use hand held media (phones, digital cameras, etc) to record and document the day (2PM-9PM shooting day) hence why they must audition as well because they will inevitably be on camera. If you would like to just solely act and not volunteer to be a crew person to record footage through out the night, then please make note of that.

Once shooting begins, the cast will remain in character constantly.

As an actor (crew member) you will design your character with the director (Curtis) over the month of May and into June. You will be given a confidential list of objectives and rules that you must abide by for the shooting. You are to improvise everything and successfully carry out your mission through out the shoot. You must keep it secret from other cast members and crew in order for the film experiment to work.

Guidelines for Auditioning:

Submit a video to Curtis Salt ( responding to all questions in the below audition survey. Make sure your video is no longer than 5 minutes. Each video should be between 3-5minutes. Also you do not need HD quality, you can use a web-cam to record it, home DV footage, digital camera, cell phone device, whatever is convenient to you.

You have until APRIL 16TH, 2010 to submit your audition.

Key things – Make sure you are personable and not preparing a response. This audition is to make sure you are capable of natural improvisation. Do not be nervous, there is no reason to be.

Cast List will be posted MAY 1ST, 2010. Looking for males & females – 25-40 people between the ages of 18 to 45.

Please submit a professional resume and headshot if you have one.

There are some questions that need to be filled out and not answered in your audition tape. Please make sure to include that in your e-mail or documents attached. If your video is too large to send in an e-mail, you may upload your video to a site for it to be downloaded, example You do not need to register, just upload a video under 100MB and once it’s complete it will give you the link, send that link in the e-mail and you are all set.

Further questions please e-mail Curtis at



Your full name (include the middle name)

Your age

Where you are from

Why you are interested in auditioning and what type of character would you want to create for the project?

Would you rather play someone close to your personality or someone entirely different and how so?

If you could describe yourself with only 3 adjectives, what would they be and why?

Free associate and link the words “Squirrel” and “Galaxy”

Conclude with confidence that you will be able to carry out your confidential objectives during shooting.


Do you have reliable self-transportation?

Do you want to be a crew member as well for this film and be responsible for capturing footage during the shoot through means of digital media?

This shoot is one part of a larger project. If cast, would you be willing to stay attached to the project in the fall and winter for additional shooting?

If cast, will you agree to sign a contract stating that you cannot reveal the nature of the film or your objectives for the shoot to anyone, including cast members, until after the film is released?

Please provide any professional resumes, headshots, and links to other work if possible.

This is an un-paid gig

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