Casting for Home Makeover Show | Makeover My Room

By | February 14, 2010

Do you have a room that is in desperate need of a MAKEOVER?

The Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price is casting for its second season and your home could be next! Ambrose is building his design portfolio and looking for interesting rooms (sunroom, nursery, bedroom, games room etc.) for an exciting makeover.

In order to qualify for the show you must:

Live in the Greater Toronto Area (Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

Own the home or space for the desired makeover

Take some photos and list the dimensions of the room to be made over

Please list your name, address, and phone number

Describe your personality and why this room is perfect for an Ambrose decorating makeover in a small paragraph (100 words max).

Send in a current photo of yourself

All applications can be sent to

3 thoughts on “Casting for Home Makeover Show | Makeover My Room

  1. melisa

    Hi, I really love your show and I was wondering if you can help me get a house for me and my family. I work everyday at a bar and only earn R150 a day and I have 3 kids, one that tells me every day, mommy one day soon you are going to buy our own house so that I can get my own room and my dog can play outside with me. At the moment all of us stay in a flat, pls let me know if you can help me fulfill my dream.

  2. Pam Rosemark

    I would like to nominate a female senior citizen in desperate need of a home makeover/repairs.There are numerous serious structural issues and has no financial means for the extensive repairs.Penny continues to work at a local restaurant/bar as she is unable to survive on social security alone.She works extremely hard despite having an injured shoulder that required surgery as a result of lifting heavy trays at her job as a waitress. Penny is a petite little lady with a big heart.She has lived a tough and meager life. No one especially a senior citizen should have to live in these conditions.PLEASE help me give Penny a safe home to enjoy her senior years in.

  3. jason brown

    Hey I was trying to see if you guys would please come give me and my mom’s house a extreme makeover, we really need it Thanks.


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