Casting for TV commercial for major airline – REAL travelers

By | October 8, 2010

Casting for TV commercial for major airline. We are casting REAL airline travelers who’ve been hit with change fees! Have you recently flown and had to pay change fees? Was your entire family charged? Was your group charged or maybe your Pet charged too? We want to hear your stories. we’re casting REAL TESTIMONIALS from individuals, families or business people, real folks who were charged fees when changing airline tickets. Ages 18-60yrs old ethnicities. You MUST have documentation to support your story, airline tickets, credit card charges etc.

Casting Oct 19-22nd in Los Angeles.

Shoots the 3rd & 4th of November in Los Angeles or Texas.

We are accepting submissions throughout the United States. You can submit a home video quicktime audition if you are based outside of Los Angeles. Film yourself – tell us your name and info, your story and show us your documentation that shows your charges.


Be sure to include:
1. Your name (first and last) age
2. Phone number
3. City/State where you live
4. Describe your change fee story, when it occurred and what documentation you have to show change fee charges
5. Recent photo(s) (jpg format please- family photo if family story)

6. If you live outside of Los Angeles you can audition and email us a quicktime video audition