Casting Models 25+ | Los Angeles

By | August 17, 2010

We are casting for a photo shoot for our website. We are an investment firm and this is a professional shoot. We are looking for models that have business attire. Men and women should show up for the photo shoot in business suits. We need individuals of all ages over 25. Rate is $125 for a 4 hour shoot for individuals between the ages 25-50, and $200 for individuals between the ages of 50-70. We will need to pre-screen you by viewing a picture of you in the attire you plan on wearing to the shoot. The shoot is in Century City from 10AM to 2PM on Sunday 8/22. For an idea of the shoot we are doing please to to You will be used for background purposes. The foreground will be reserved for our company principals.

Please email us your photos. If you would like more information you can call us at 310-652-6565 and ask for Dave.