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Casting “Sweet Evalina”

By | March 30, 2010

Seeking actors for a staged reading to be held at the Orlando Shakespeare Theater on June 12th, 2010.

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Orlando, FL

Sweet Evalina is a faith-inspired play about a small town of people who believe they are cursed by a woman named Evalina. They believe the curse to be this: Anyone who leaves the town’s city limits or crosses the railroad tracks where they believe Evalina lives will be killed. What the town discover will change their lives forever. The play deals with fear and its ability to be passed on from one generation to the next and keep them from reaching their own level of greatness.

Audition time and location will be disclosed upon receipt of headshot and resume. Headshots and resumes should be submitted to sweet.evalina@yahoo.com no later than April 10th, 2010.

BETTY (African-American, must play 30s-40s): Overprotective mother, sweet and hardworking. Pain from her past has kept her in fear.

JEAN (African-American, must play 18-20): Dreams of leaving Wauchula and going away to college. She’s determined to face her fears and not be like everyone else in town. She is sweet and innocent but, also, tenacious.

TEDDY (African-American, must play 30s-40s): Very handsome military man who returns to Wauchula alive, in spite of the Evilina curse. He has come home to bury his mother and win back the heart of his first love, Betty.

RABBIT (African-American, must play 18-20): She is desperate for love. Hot mama who’s dating a 30 year old man. Her dream is to have his baby and get married. She’s looking for love in all the wrong places. She’s street-smart and loves short, tight, clothing and lots of make-up. She, also, wears visible baby powder.

DEE (African-American, must play 30s-40s): Bitter over the loss of her sister. She is “Queen of gossip” in this small town. She thinks she knows it all and that she has nothing more to learn.

BERNICE (African-American, must play 30s-40s): High sprung gossip who struggles with a cussing problem. Free-spirited and says any and everything that comes to mind. She’s flirty and a bit lusty. Bernice is trying to live her life right by going to church and reading the Bible. She’s making improvements bit by bit.

CHERYL (African-American, must play 30s-40s): Heartbroken of the loss of her only son. She whole-heartedly believes that the “Evilina curse” is responsible for the death of her son. She tries to behave well, in fear of another tragedy. Sits on the porch with Bernice and Dee discussing everybody’s business.

PETE (African-American, must play 30s-40s): Loves to gamble and cut up with the boys. He cheats when gambling and talks a lot of trash. He thinks he’s smarter than the rest.

LOU (African-American, must play 30s-40s): He’s a former high school football star who never had the courage to leave home to go off to college. He feels guilty about the loss of his son.

STAN (must play 30s-40s): Not the brightest of the bunch. Has a bit of a stuttering problem. He’s a follower.

JOE (must play 30s-40s): One of the town gamblers. Easy-going and doesn’t like trouble.

EVALINA (must play 30s-40s): Grew up in town with the stigma of being evil because she was homeless. She’s a beautiful, good-hearted woman…not evil.

MASON (must play 20s): Evalina’s son. He’s a wanderer and is curious about the people in the town that he & his mother are visiting. He’s a bit mysterious and protective of his mom.

Casting Location: Orlando, FL
Contact email: sweet.evalina@yahoo.com

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