Casting TLC’s “Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”

By | February 15, 2010

We are looking for new stories for new episodes of I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.
If you or somebody you know had a baby, but didn’t know you were pregnant we want to hear about it.
We are specifically looking for stories were the birth occurred immediately or at most within two weeks of finding out about the pregnancy.
Send a summary of the story to Be sure to include your name and a phone number where you can be reached for further questions.
You will be contacted only if the story fits the needs of the show.

4 thoughts on “Casting TLC’s “Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”

  1. Manuel

    So my daughter didn’t know she was pregnant, are you guys doing any more episodes because this just blew my mind today.

  2. Marli Phillips

    The day I knew I was pregnant was when I gave birth at home and almost died.
    Back in August 2020, I was involved in a nonconsensual event with a now ex. I have ongoing health issues that are similar to pregnancy symptoms, so anytime I had nausea , vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain, etc, my mind would always go to my unknown health issues.
    I also did not show. I gained a little weight, but nothing that would seem to be pregnancy…just a “oh she’s growing older and she’s gaining weight. She’s not in sports in high school so she’s just been gaining weight.”
    I also had spotting during my pregnancy which is normal, but I always correlated it to my normal period which only lasted 2 days for my normal period duration.
    I ended up giving birth at home alone with no medicine in my bathtub, lost over 2/3 of my blood supply, and nearly died.

    1. L

      Happy you’re ok! Your story is similar to mine but I didn’t lose a lot of blood. Very scary time


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