Casting TV Commercial | Dallas Casting Call

By | March 2, 2010

Casting for a commercial – commercial casting notice in Dallas Texas

Casting director for a PR/Advertising Agency seeks the following actors for speaking roles in Regional commercials:

Our newest client is ready to proceed with their TV commercial production for their high-end home appliance and TV retail outlets.
We are seeking the following SPEAKING PARTS:
A – Hispanic OR Caucasian (White) COUPLE in late 20s – mid 30s – Meaning, we will require a male and a female lead to be the newly married couple

B – Caucasian (White) OR Hispanic COUPLE in mid 40s – late 50s – Again, a male and female lead will be required to act the part of the older married couple that is remodeling/upgrading their kitchen and other areas of their home.

C – Hispanic or Caucasian (White) male lead that will play the part of the appliance store guy. This part requires a male in 20s or early to mid 30s. Must be physically fit, have a GREAT smile, skin and hair, and be clean cut (no beards or facial hair, nice build [not too thin, not overly muscular, but nice back, arms, chest and no gut], charismatic, friendly, and upbeat).

Look must be clean-cut (NOT punk, goth, emo, rocker, NO excessive piercings or visible tattoos) for ALL roles.

We will be shooting in HD quality, and using an Emmy Award winning production company for these commercials. Our budget is mainly being used to afford the services of the production staff, but we will compensate for your time (but compensation will be limited as production costs are already over budget). As shooting will be in HD, please have good skin/proper make-up, as every single skin imperfection will be visible on film.

Shoots will take place on location at appliance store, custom model home community, and also a large estate (1 location per day)

We will require your services for approximately 2 – 4 hours per day.

We will provide you with the finished/edited material in HD to add to your demo reel.

Please send the following:
CLEAR and RECENT headshot, body shot, measurements, age, and any links to your websites.

Also, your availability to shoot on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


One thought on “Casting TV Commercial | Dallas Casting Call

  1. Maribel

    I really love acting so much I’m 12 year old just please Emil me thinks.


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