Channel Casting “A Baby Story”

By | March 22, 2013

A BABY STORY, is currently looking for couples in the following cities & their surrounding areas:

New York
Please contact us if:

You are an expectant Mom or Dad-to-be planning to deliver in one of the four locations listed above.
You are willing to share the most intimate details of your life on national television.
You feel that you have a special and unique story to share.
Apply via email at


Mail your letters to:

True Entertainment
601 West 26th Street
Suite 1336 – Attn: Baby Story Casting
New York, NY 10001

Please be sure to include your full name, address, due date, doctor and delivery hospital.

15 thoughts on “Channel Casting “A Baby Story”

  1. Elissa

    I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second child, due in November. I live in the San Francisco Bay area and I am a lesbian. We would love to be on your show. Thanks

  2. Andrea

    hi my name is Andrea. I am 34 weeks pregnant with my first child . I’ve always loved the show “A baby story ” and always wanted to be on it never really knowing how to get on the show . well let me tell you a little bit about our story my boyfriend Louis has two boys that I absolutely love and adore. But t his will be our first child together and it’s a girl so we’re excited to finally have the girl even the boys are so excited πŸ™‚ in 2010 we lost what would have been our first child by a pretty big Hospital mistake πŸ™ and for a long time because of that I was dead inside you could say we’ve been through a lot …so we thank God for a second chance of a beautiful little girl who will be here soon our due date is November 19th 2013 please pick us to be on your show . sincerely Andrea and Luis

  3. jennifer

    Let me know if you come to los angeles before january 2014…

  4. Ariel Montoya

    I am 15 wks pregnant with my first child. I’m 21 years old. I would love for my child, my family, and myself to be apart of a baby story. I am in Denver, Colorado! πŸ™‚

  5. Amanda sarkis

    I am 24 weeks pregnant with a boy, I have a 4 year old daughter named Riley Ann and a step daughter named Brooke Riley. This is our first child together and he is due in November on the 23rd. I live in pa and would love to be on a baby story!

  6. Farida Mercedes

    TLC/Discovery channels! Come film our baby’s arrival into the world. My husband and I are awaiting our first baby together and I’m 21 weeks pregnant due on September 24th but not sure I’ll make it that far. The baby has plans to come early we think. I’m from Brooklyn, NY and after being on bed rest and watching the show everyday, I think you need a few new episodes! πŸ™‚
    Hope to hear from you soon..

  7. Bree A

    I am 15 weeks pregnant with our 4th child. I have had 3 cesareans, with this baby I am trying to do a Vba3c. (vaginal birth after 3 cesareans) There is a lot of risk involved, I have researched, daily reading and researching these risks, also there are so many success stories of Vbacs, even for Vba3cs πŸ™‚ I am currently living on Ft Richardson in Alaska, my husband is in the army and was only able to attend our first daughter’s birth 7 yrs ago. This is going to be a huge experience for us both! We’re excited and scared of course, and I have been thinking how great it would be to document this so other Vbac hopefuls can see the struggles/successes I will have and endeavor during this time.

    1. Kayla

      Reply to Bree: How did it work out for you? I am a hopeful.

  8. LaQuanta Witty-Patterson

    hello my name is LaQuanta and I am really interested in having my baby on your show. I live in Voorhees New Jersey, south jersey of course, and will be having my baby at virtua hospital, and am very interested in being on your show…I also have 3 other children, that are excited and I think that this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  9. shanna Brown

    Hi my name is shanna, I’m 8 weeks pregnant and I always wanted to do A baby Story since I had my first child 11years ago. My husband and I have been together since 1999 high school sweethearts. I’m only 4 hours away from Chicago in Warren Michigan……… Please come and document my journey through my 3rd pregnancy I’m sure we won’t disappoint TLC……..

  10. paige nicole brady

    Hi my name is Paige Brady, I’m 17 wks pregnant and I’m due in August. I live in a small town between Columbus and Springfield Ohio. I wanted to try to get you guys out here to do our story cause I’ve only seen our state on the show a few times.

  11. Tia Massey

    I’m currently 27 weeks and due June 04th, 2013
    I live in suburbs of Dallas. I’m due to Deliver at Baylor Frisco and my Doctor is Dr, Berry Fleming. Would love to do a show. I have a unique case. I had older children and two years ago got pregnant and had a baby boy. Then had my tubes blocked and 18 months later found out I was pregnant at 40. We are now expecting a little girl. My doctor was used by richard gere to study for a movie he made about gynecologists.

  12. Mildred Bazley

    I live in New Orleans and I am currently 22 weeks pregnant. I think a baby story in our city would be a great episode with all the creativity we have to offer. My baby is due one week after Mardi Gras and 2 weeks after the Superbowl. I think it would be an awesome experience to participate on a baby story during such an interesting time.

  13. shaneka cheatham

    I want to do the show. I will be delivering in texarkana Texas my due date is June 10th 2012 I am currently almost 31weeks

  14. jessica

    I wish u would do the show in southern california…im 31 wks and I want to be on


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