Casting “workaholic Parents” | Los Angeles

By | March 22, 2013

Do you or your spouse work way too much?
Are your children always complaining that you or your spouse are never home or available?
Are your kids not getting what they need? Is the guilt becoming too much?

Networks is looking for families with children to take part in a new television show about working parents trying to manage their busy lives. We are interested in talking to people who find it a challenge to maintain a healthy balance between their family and work lives. If this describes your family, please contact us right away. FAMILIES WILL BE COMPENSATED $2000+

If this sounds like you or someone you know, e-mail with the following:

1. Names and ages of each family member
2. City and state in which you live
3. Contact phone number
4. Challenges faced in the family because of busy work schedule
5. How you originally heard about this opportunity
6. Attach a few photos of you and your family