Create your own GoDaddy Commercial, Win 100k

By | March 24, 2010

Go Daddy is inviting you to produce your own Go Daddy commercial for huge cash prizes!
Year after year, Go Daddy has entertained Super Bowl viewers with its fun, edgy and slightly inappropriate TV ads. The polarizing commercials often attract criticism, but have been wildly successful with the public. They’ve played a major part in making Go a household name as well as the world’s largest domain registrar.

The top prize is $100,000 in cash, with second and third place winners of $50,000 and $25,000 respectively. Other prizes include a Dell Alienware Area 51 desktop and the highly anticipated M11X laptops, provided by Dell, along with camcorders, software and other items.

So how do you compete? Contest commercials don’t need to be professionally produced, but ad professionals are eligible. Ads must be between 15 and 30 seconds in length. Creativity is encouraged, so get out your camcorder, recruit your friends, have some fun and show us what you’ve got. Go to and click on “Show Us YOUR Go Daddy Ad” for all you need to know to enter.
Entry deadline is April 23.

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