Dallas Auditions for boy and male actors

By | December 1, 2010

One boy and two young men needed for short film project. These ARE paid roles. ALL RACES are encouraged to audition. Experience is not as important as ability, but only serious inquiries will be allowed to audition. Good money for easy, fun work. Lunch provided.
Adam— needs to look between ages 9 and 12.
Doug—this character needs to look between the ages of 18 and 22. He suffers from mental illness, mostly hallucinations and paranoia.
Ryan—Doug’s brother, also needs to look between the ages of 18 and 22. He is very rational, responsible and very devoted to his brother.
The audition will be at STAGE in Dallas, but you will need to contact me for an appointment at mulligancircle@hotmail.com

Casting Location: STAGE in Dallas
Contact email: mulligancircle@hotmail.com