Dance, actors, musicians & Teen Castings – Nationwide Casting for DanceMachine the Movie in 3-D

By | August 9, 2010

Nationwide Casting for DanceMachine the Movie in 3-D
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Online via

We are casting all parts at for the film from leading roles to extras.

We are looking for:
Dancers & Choreographers
All types, all styles. Includes Dance Machine arcade dancers.

Primary Cast – teenagers. General cast – all ages. Breakdown & Actors sides may be found here.

All types, all styles of music. Performers, Composers, Groups/Bands.
All types, all styles of art. Anime, 3-D, Animation, Pop & Modern Art.

We are holding open casting for the upcoming feature film Dance Machine!

“DanceMachine!” is being produced by Mark R. Harris whose credits, to name a few, include “Crash”, “The Black Donnellys,” and “Gods and Monsters.”

Mr. Harris has developed a reputation for being a Hollywood innovator and has decided that instead of having the talent come to Hollywood, he wants Hollywood to come to the talent. “Not only will everyone have a fair and equal opportunity to showcase their talents and possibly land a role in DanceMachine!,” says Mark, “but also show the rest of the entertainment community what they can do.”

Casting for “DanceMachine!” is open for all acting, singing and dancing roles as well as choreographers, artists and musicians. Auditions may be submitted via the “DanceMachine!” web site,
Please e-mail me for more information

Casting Location: Online via
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