Dance Audition DC

By | March 13, 2010

Seeking 18 to 21 year old actress who can dance and create a 90 second routine for a short film called “Every second counts” . The short is roughly 11 minutes and will be filmed at DC Dance Collection in Washington, DC (upper NW on Wisconsin Ave).

The film is about a mother who doesn’t agree with one of her daughter’s career choices to become a dancer.

You must be able to come up with a dance routine for 90 seconds and be able to do that same routine for 8 – 10 times. As I will be filming from different angles to get accurate shots. If you are not able to come up with a routine, I can provide you with one.

The auditions will be at the DC Dance Collective on March 12th (in the evening) & March 14th
Must look between the ages of 18 – 21.: any
There will be some low pay – good gig for someone needing to build up a portfolio

email head shot and resume to

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