Denver Auditions – Wing Series TV Audition with Many Roles

By | October 6, 2010

Wing Series TV Audition with Many Roles
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Denver, Co
Storyline: When a teenage girl finds out she is a witch she has to work with two handsome half demon twins and a team of witches to save the world from a demon trying to kill the devil and rule hell.

Pay rate: $8 hourly (unless otherwise stated)

*Willing to case people for multipul roles so long as they are willing to change looks and characters are never in same scenes*

Union: Non-Union

Roles Open At This Time

Abigail: A young african american female who was kidanped to be made and evil witch and was saved by the team of witches

Alexander: A witch who seems like the most innocent man in the world then he turns out to be a betrayer

Amy: A tomboy witch who is strong and brave

Ashlyn: a native american reoccurring guest star who is made a vampire and has to be killed. Best friends with male star

Avalon: the now demon birth father of the female star

Belthazar: The devil’s son and a handsome male leading role (also plays Falcon and Dru)

Blaze: A demoness helper to Avalon

Bradly: A handsome football jock

Breck: A handsome evil vampire

Calvin: A handsome witch was once evil but ecomes good for the sake of love

Carlin: the dead best friend of the female star. Carlin had committed suicide and she blames the female star for not stopping her

Christian: (female) a girl who is a bit rougish and works for herself. She is beautiful and can steal powers with a simple kiss

Darell: the female star’s male best friend at high school

Darren: A male witch who saves Jennifer and falls madly in love with her

Deborah: the evil coven leader

Dru: A handsome male witch who is cocky, ego centric and loves the female star however he is mean to her and pretends he doesn’t care (also plays Belthazar and Falcon)

Falcon: a handsome half demon who is the male lead. He is fighting the line between good and evil yet still loves the female star with all his heart

Faygen: an evil man who is sinister and heartless

Felix: The 20 something step father of the female star who married her 40 something year old mother

Fiery: a demoness helper of avalon

Flames: a demoness helper of avalon

Frederick: a biker bad boy male witch

Heidi: a sexy evil vampire

Howard: a geeky stalker of Mariah who when she doesn’t want to date him brings a gun to school and tries to kill her

Hugh: a handsome witch hunter who hunts wiches because his family is ashamed he is one

Isabelle: a beautiful blonde british younger sister of Falcon who is cheery and bubbly yet serious when she has to be

James: a young teen witch whose parents are dead

Jane: a seer who is afraid of be around people because when she touches people she sees the future

Jarred: a man who can touch Jane and she will not see the future so he is training heron her powers

Jaymee: an evil witch who can seduce anything and anyone

Jennifer: the younger adopted sister of the female star. She has no powers.

Joshua: a handsome football jock

Justin: a handsome football jock

Kaia: a boy crazy date a different man each week popular girl

Keishi: a japanese/asian student who is best friends with the star

Kerri Anne: the perfect popular mean older sister of melody

Killian: the demoness of rage. She is extremely chipper and sweet

Krista: a beautiful friend of the star

Mahon: a handsome evil vampire

Mariah: the most popular girl in school who is a witch. She wants to know her birth mother

Maxine: the mother of the female star

Mazeena: a fun loving and cool seer who is housed in this beautiful body after serveral failed bodies. She is a total drama queen

Melody Anne: a girl whose sister was always perfect and popular. She is always the second choice and just wants to be the first at something

Melzabar: the male child demon of insanity. totally emotionless

Mephistophelese (the devil): the devil.

Mercy: a female assassin who now thinks she is a god choosing who will live and die

Minuet: a beautiful good vampire

Molly: a teen girl whose parents left her at birth. She wants to know them

Odette: the demoness who is going to rule hell. the main villain of the story

Patrick: the third main villain. An irish older man who is sheer evil

Ricardo: a handsome good vampire

Rochelle: a smart popular girl

Seana: a super dumb popular girl

Sky: a native american who is a villainess for half a season

Tanner: the younger brother of the star

Tiffany: the weird friend of the star

Zanders: the second villain who is sheer evil and in love with Isabelle

Zoe: a teen who ran from home and came to live with a cult. She is just barley pregnant with the devil’s grandchild

Bonnie-kate: a woman who was possessed by the demon Gramhach and is trying to find salvation

Gramhach: a stunt man role, an evil demon

Mass One and Two: stunt men, evil massively large men

Kian: the man who betrayed Bonnie-kate and married a different woman

Mandi: the other woman Kian married

Demon Lover: Belthazar’s brother and Zoe’s lover

Casting Location: Denver, Co
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