Eating Disorders sought – both Sufferers and Treatment Specialists

By | April 8, 2010

Eating Disorders sought – – both Sufferers and Treatment Specialists
Casting notice posted on, casting location: nationwide
Documentary-TV show is seeking both eating-disorder SUFFERERS and TREATMENT SPECIALISTS of all sorts.

If you suffer from an eating disorder (not just anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating, but also less common issues such as orthorexia or night-eating syndrome) and would like to get help, please send us your story.

If you are a treatment professional and would like to share the struggles and rewards of your work, while helping new patients, please contact us.

This is a high-end show for a major production company. This will NOT be a trashy, exploitative, or cheap program.

Please email your name, age, city/state, recent photo(s) and a brief bio about yourself and your story.

Thank you.

Casting Location: nationwide
Contact email:

One thought on “Eating Disorders sought – both Sufferers and Treatment Specialists

  1. Kennadi Smith

    I’m applying to the eating disorder documentary channel. I’ve been suffering anorexia for 4 years now on & off. I recover & go right back so I definitely have a story to tell. I’m only 22. I’m a female & I currently weigh about 110 lbs. I’m 5”6 & a half feet tall.


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