Extras and Stand-ins Needed in Chicago, Kids, teens and Adults

By | February 23, 2010

Chicago is heating up for films! Yay! Joan Philo Casting is searching for some extras for a quick little film gig. These are non-speaking, paid extras roles. If you are flexible enough to be available for a three-day span, March 10, 11, 12 (day or night) and can get to the suburbs send me a recent color photograph, full length and close up (face). I am only accepting candid photographs (no headshot or comp cards). I am also only accepting local people to Chicago and the suburbs to work as extras. I do need some kids 6 to 11 (I can only consider children that have a current work permit for Joan Philo casting.) I am also searching for 18/19-year-olds for a scene.

Also searching for a man with a long beard.

This project is a very small project with a limited number of extras to be cast.

Please include phone number, address, and photo. Please do not send me to a link to search for your photo. If you have a car and are a good driver let me know the color, year and make. They might need some drivers.

I am especially searching for a Latino and/or white man, 5’11” to 6’2”, 300 to 375 pounds to work as a stand in. Tattoos are great, a goatee is great. If you have Tattoos send me a photo showing me your tattoos.

I also need a Male, Caucasian stand in, brown and/or blond hair, med to slight build, 5’7” to 6’4”. Please list any stand in experience you might have.

Everyone will be considered but please know that all extras will be chosen by the directors. If you are not chosen for this gig I will keep your photo on file for my next film. Please note sending in a photo does not guarantee you a spot as an extra. If you are selected to work as an extra on this film you will be contacted. We will not be able to tell you if you are “not” chosen. Everyone gets a chance on this and for all the other films that Joan Philo Casting casts.

Thank you so much for sending in your information. I really appreciate it! This should be a really fun shoot, with some amazing talent.

Send photos and stats with phone number immediately to jpextras@gmail.com and in the subject line put “extra gig.”

If you are sending in for the stand-in position please put “stand-in” in the subject line.

Thanks so much!

***Please list the films you have worked on and let me know if you have stand-in experience and list what you stood in on. Thanks!


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