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New York Auditions for Short Film

By | September 30, 2010

New York auditions for film

This is a short film for a short film festival next year. It is about a teenage girl who has a baby but keeps her baby hidden from her peers. She struggles with this everyday.

this is a non paying gig.

1) Marie: main character age 16-19 years old, Caucasian
2) Baby: Marie’s baby less then 1 year old Caucasian
3) Mom: Marie’s mom age 40-50 years old Caucasian
4) Jane: Pharmacist age 30-40
5) Friend: Marie’s friend who invites her to her home, age 15-18 years old
6) Ms. Barb: Marie’s high school teacher, age 25-35 years old
7) Manager: male manager of the grocery store Marie cashier’s at, age 25-35 years old
8) shopper: lady age 26-35 years old who strikes up conversation with Marie

Location: New York City
Shooting Dates: Middle of Oct. for about 3-5 days

Copy of film on dvd will be provided upon completion of production.
Meals provided on the day of shoots.
Individuals to travel at their own expense.
No nudity, no sex.

please email ssn22o@gmail.com