Philadelphia Auditions for Short Musical Comedy | PA

By | October 15, 2010

Auditions for Short Musical Comedy
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Philadelphia, PA
The Rehearsal, a short musical comedy shooting near Philadelphia January 3-8, currently is casting actor-singer-dancers for 4 principle roles.


Two days from curtain, Emily is brought in to save a horribly failing rehearsal of Giacomo Puccini’s most beloved opera, La boheme. The first run through is so atrocious, it wakes Puccini’s ghost and his sexy entourage of undead. Emily must “make the show a hit” in two days or Puccini’s ghouls will rip the entire cast asunder and seize Emily’s everlasting soul.


Stage Director Emily –
The rising hero of opera, Emily, 30s, shepherds, protects and saves her cast from Puccini’s wiles with dauntless heart and spicy flair, teaching the long cold conductor to believe in love again. The actress who plays this role must be able to sing solo and in ensemble. She also must be able to learn choreography for three musical numbers.

Composer Giacomo Puccini –
Back from the grave, bigger than life, and as Italian and licentious as ever, Puccini, 40s-50s, threatens to trample the performers of his greatest love story into their graves with the dancing feet of his undead army. The actor who plays this role must be able to sing solo and in ensemble. He must also be able to learn choreography for three musical numbers. Ability to perform with an Italian accent is greatly preferred.

Conductor Malcolm Pontorous –
As the renowned conductor of the Schenectady Philharmonic, Maestro Pontorous, rules the production with an iron baton, demanding that more time with the music is the sole key to this opera’s success. The actor who plays this role must be able to sing in ensemble and learn choreography for three musical numbers.

Stage Manager Grace –
Armed with an army of colored pens and a tender heart, Grace, 20s-30s, may be less than graceful but is loyal to the very end and unassailable in her belief that “the show must go on.” The actress who plays this role must be able to sing in ensemble and learn choreography for three musical numbers.


Please submit headshots and resumes to , with the role for which you wish to be considered in the Title line.

Only jpegs and PDFs will be opened. Files pasted directly into the body of the email are most appreciated.

Casting Location: Philadelphia, PA
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