Production Company Seeks Lottery Winners

By | March 19, 2010


Are you one of the lucky few who’ve hit it big in the lottery, the casino, or raffle?
Has your newfound life as a prizewinner been filled with dream homes and exotic trips? Have you used your winnings to donate to charities or family, rebuild local communities, or create the business ventures of your dreams? We want to hear about your unique stories and be there to capture these life-changing moments for a major cable television network.

To apply, email us directly at with your name and your hometown in the email subject (ex. Jane Smith, Miami, FL). Please include your contact details so we can reach you, and tell us a little bit about your win. Details could include:

-How much money you won, when, where, and how you won the prize?

-A short description of your life before and after your win. Did you buy a new house or new car? Quit work? How did friends and family react to the win? How much did you need that prize money?

-A short description about the moment you won the prize. How did you react? Who did you call first? What was the first thing you bought and why?

We would live to hear your unique story, whether winning was a positive or even a negative experience. Be sure to include all your contact information, including home phone number and/or cell phone number, fax number, and email address so we can follow up with you directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Beyond Productions
4455 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 250
Washington DC 20008

Tel: 202.587.4131
Fax: 202.587.4165

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