Radio Station Seeking Experienced Reporter

By | February 17, 2010

Capital Public Radio in Sacramento is looking for an experienced and energetic Reporter to cover a wide range of health care and related issues around California, within CPR’s broadcast region and at the state Capitol.

Job responsibilities include production of long-form healthcare features as well as maintaining expertise about healthcare issues and policy in the Sacramento region, California and nationwide. This person files for CPR’s California Capitol Network statewide news service and creates spot and feature stories for NPR and other national outlets.

This position requires extensive knowledge of healthcare issues, advanced reporting skills, ability to distill complex subject matters.
Applicant should have strong writing skills, a demonstrate proficiency in Microsoft Windows operating system, Microsoft Office and audio editing software; have a bachelor’s degree in journalism or in related field, or equivalent work experience for at least 5 years; be able to drive.

Submit cover letter, resume, and reference list, audio or print reporting samples and compensation requirements to Humen Resources
Capital Public Radio
7055 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95826
Fax 916-278-8989
Capital Public Radio is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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