Seeking native speakers of Beijing Mandarin

By | February 22, 2010

ACTFL ( is seeking native speakers of Beijing Mandarin to participate in the development of a language proficiency video. Each participate will act as a high school student and will be expected to read from a script (in Chinese). The pay per hour is $40. Please note acting experience is not required (but is preferred) and the exact date of the shoot is not yet known.

To qualify the following criteria must be met:
1) Must speak impeccable Beijing Mandarin Chinese. Must be a native speaker of the language.
2) Be between the ages of 14 to 25
3) Be willing to travel to White Plains. Travel costs will be reimbursed.

Should you be interested please email Crystal Campagna at
In the subject line please put “Chinese Video Shoot.”

Within the body of the email include the following:
*Brief explanation of why you believe you are a native speaker of the language
*Date of birth
*State or area of residence (NYC, CA)
*Email and Phone Number

Attached to the email include the following:
*Resume with any acting experience you may have had (experience is preferred but not necessary)
*Submission of any professional websites or voice samples you may have in Chinese
*Submission of profile picture

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