Seeking people with amazing stories of survival

By | March 22, 2013

A network is putting together stories for the next season of “I should’t be alive”. I Shouldn’t be alive is a documentary type show that tells the stories of people who have lived through situations that most people could not have made it through.

Did you survive a near-death cougar attack, get lost in the desert, battle a pack of hyenas, spend a week adrift in the ocean … or do you know someone else with a survivor story?

Do you have an amazing survival story to tell? The producers of I Shouldn’t Be Alive are currently working on another season of this series and would love to hear your stories.

If so, we want to hear from you!

One thought on “Seeking people with amazing stories of survival

  1. maggie graff

    I am hoping you can help me I am trying to submit a story to “I shouldn’t be alive” and am hoping you can give me the correct email address or a phone number? “Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


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