Seeking Voice Over Actors / French or German Speaking

By | February 15, 2010

We are looking for German and French voice actors. young adult to adult male and female. This is an acting gig. Applicants must be able to act well behind the mic.

This is a short term project 1-2 week turnaround. Serious Inquiry only.

About VirTra:

Since 1993, VirTra Systems has steadily led the simulation and virtual marketplace by creating small arms training simulators that replicate real-world scenarios so precise that trainees consistently make decisions with exceptional accuracy when faced with actual life-and-death situations. With best-in-class customer service and unparalleled technology like 360 degree high-definition training simulation and the Threat-fire safe return fire system (both patent pending), it is no surprise that the finest military and law enforcement agencies in the US and throughout the world have hand selected VirTra’s shooting simulators after trying out all other options. VirTra is the higher standard in firearms training simulators, combat simulators and use-of-force judgment training systems.

no calls please. email if you’re interested.

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