Talented Male Actors Wanted for a PHX: Fringe Show

By | March 2, 2010

We’re Cardboard Suitcase Productions, an American/Australian theatre company dedicated to the notion of international theatre exchange, and we’re looking for 3- 4 talented and energetic male actors who are in love with Shakespeare and want to tackle roles like Macbeth, Richard III, Hamlet and Othello all in one delightful show. Our play is “Violent Delights” – and it’s not your grandparents’ Shakespeare! The show looks at violence in Shakespearean work – from the dramas to the comedies. Actors will be trained in the French physical acting technique bouffon and will come to understand Shakespeare on a whole new level.
“Violent Delights” gives actors the opportunity to participate in the key moments of a number of Shakespearean plays – one moment you could be Macbeth being talked into committing murder by your wife, and the next you may be King Richard III confronting a sworn enemy. This is your chance to revel in all those wonderful characters you’ve always wanted to play!
Our 90+ minute show has had three successful productions in Melbourne, Australia, and it’s now been selected for an extended time slot at the 2010 Phoenix Fringe.
A few things to know before you audition:
– Since Violent Delights is highly physical, we’re particularly looking for men ages 18-40 – but please email us if you’re unsure whether you should audition!
– Our fringe performance dates are April 8th, 10th (2 shows) and 11th.
– Rehearsals will run mostly in the evenings and on weekends, however if cast you will not be called to every rehearsal. Therefore we have some decent flexibility with scheduling issues – just let us know your needs when you audition.
– Violent Delights is a profit-share production; however there will be no up-front payments or per-diems for actors.

Auditions are taking place Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th March 6.30pm – 8.30pm. If these times do not work for you, please feel free to email us with a suggested time this or next week that suits you better. You will not need to prepare any material and it is a group audition. If you would like to audition, please email your resume and a headshot if you have one to Cardboard Suitcase at violent.delights2010@gmail.com. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours regarding the audition location and time. We look forward to seeing you!

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