“The Jersey Shore” Auditions

By | November 23, 2010

Casting notice posted by the Writer/Promoter – MI
Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Go Comedy Improv Theatre

Auditions for “The Jersey Shore [Abridged]”
Saturday, November 27th 2-5 PM
@ Go Comedy!

If you are unable to audition on the 27th, please contact the director for an alternate audition time.

Performance dates: Thursdays at 8 PM, beginning January 6, 2011
Performance location: Go Comedy!

Written by: Lesley Braden-Phillips & Kathleen Lietz
Director: Kathleen Lietz KL_home@lycos.com (734) 658-8960

The Show: The Jersey Shore [Abridged] condenses the first 4 episodes of Season 1 into a hilarious romp through the clubs, hot tubs and “the shore”. We re-enact the actual episodes, narrated by a new character that not only sets the scenes, but plays every other extraneous character in the show.

Auditions will be monologues from the script and improv. The monologues can be obtained in advance by contacting the director.

Available Roles

Please note: We are open to casting men in women’s roles and vice versa. Everyone has a very Italian/Jersey accent. If you would like to view the episodes online, watch interviews or see photos of the cast, visit the MTV website: www/mtv.com

Vinny – A self-proclaimed mama’s boy and college graduate, Vinnie tends to be the lowest key member of the group and sometimes shows some actual sense. He also has a lot to say about fist pumping and pink eye.
DJ Pauly D – The slick playboy of Rhode Island is all about pumping out the jams, scoring chicks and blowing out his hair. He actually packs a suitcase full of gel just for the shore.
Mike “The Situation” – Mike is all about, girls, his abs, girls, more on his abs, more girls and occasionally cooking dinner for the group. He should bottle and sell his self-esteem instead of pushing that 5 Hour Energy drink.
Ronnie – All Ronnie wants to do is “smush” with girls. Unfortunately, he gets caught up with Sam in a drama-filled love affair. Ronnie may have a lot of muscle but he is short on brains – he generally cannot complete a full sentence, makes no sense half the time and laughs obnoxiously.

Angelina – The “hater” in the group, Angelina is loud, aggressive and in your face. This Staten Island woman doesn’t take crap from anyone. She arrives at the house with all her belongings packed in garbage bags. Now that’s classy.
Snooki – Aw, Snooki, Snicker, Snicks, Schnickers, queen of the poof. She is just a lonely girl looking for love, alcohol and the perfect tan. Her character has a lot of heart and a lot of sass. Bonus points to any of the actors if you can do a walk over while holding a drink and showing off your leopard thong.
Sammi – This self proclaimed “sweetheart” may be sweet but she’s a little confused when it comes to love. She hooks up with Ronnie in a never ending dramatic relationship that probably boosted the shows ratings by 1000 points and reminds me of sixth grade.

Casting Location: Go Comedy Improv Theatre