Theater Auditions Decatur Georgia – open casting call

By | November 12, 2010

Princess BranDan Play
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Porter Sanford Theatre, Decatur, GA

11:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Porter Sanford III
Performance Act Center
3181 Rainbow Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30034

Casting For Ages: 17 – 26
(Youn Men & Young Women) and
Adults Ages: 27 – 46

For additional informational and printable form of this post go to


1. Recite the short monologue below as appropriate for your gender and age.

2. Perform a three 8 count dance routine. It must be a clean routine and include some ballet & tap dancing (No tap shoes please).

3. Sing a verse of one of the following songs:
· Moon River
· Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Audition will last approximately 2 minutes.
No prior experience required.

(Perform by memory the information in italics)

Her mother has been missing for a little over two year s and now Princess BranDan is almost 16 years old. She has awakened from a dream where her mother seems to be standing in her room. After she has danced herself to near exhaustion, she reaches for a book and cuddles it against her heart. Slowly and sleepily, she opens it and turns the pages. She reads her mother’s favorite passage about faith.

“Please, hear your favorite passage from this book mother— ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ Even though I can’t see you, I have faith that you will be returned to us soon, and tonight and every night, I will count my blessings for the things that I do have.”

She begins to count her blessings as she falls asleep with a smile on her face and peace in her heart.

I am thankful for my father, my brothers, my home, my good health…


BranDan and her brothers, Aaron (17), & Corey (12) in the family room of the castle. She and her brothers are talking about their mother (as they do almost every day), imagining what life would be like if she were with them. Her father yells at her for dancing and she has decided to run away. She is leaving the boys’ bedroom.

Aaron runs and opens the door and yell out at BranDan

Okay BranDan, but don’t think we’re going to be all sad and looking for you! (laughs)

(Goes back into the room)

Don’t worry about her Corey, she’s not going anywhere but to the villages for a few hours or to her favorite ‘secret’ spot in the woods behind the castle to dance her silly old head off! You know, it’s always about BranDan! How would it look if I started crying like a baby every time father disciplined me! Girls get away with everything and everybody’s always talking about what they can do for the girls. What about us?

But you know what? I love my little sister and it’s my responsibility to help protect her. We’ll talk to her when she returns. She’s just blowing off a little steam right now because she’s angry! Let’s go outside and play some “B Ball!”


Queen Mia is talking to another female while working in a garden

I am so thankful that you happened to come by that day when I took sick here in the garden. If you hadn’t been here, I don’t know what would have happened to me. But, once again, you left so fast that I didn’t get your name and I couldn’t tell the king who you were. And now, you’re probably the only true friend that I have. You just don’t know how much I appreciate your help! And girl, you really have a magic touch when it comes to these plants! I just marvel at how beautiful they are! I remember the first time that I met you. You should have seen the look on your face when I asked “Who gives you permission to pick flowers and herbs from my garden, good lady! (laughs).

King Joseph is talking to his son after finding out that the Princess has run away.

It’s alright boys—it’s all my fault. How blind and insensitive could I have been? All they wanted to do was dance. It seems like a small thing to ask, considering everything that has happened. I must leave immediately if I am to find her before morning. I will send my soldiers out in all directions and I will search to the ends of the earth until I find my precious BranDan and bring her home.

Casting Location: Porter Sanford Theatre, Decatur, GA
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