UK reality TV casting call for families

By | October 12, 2010

Reality TV UK tryouts

Casting “Sing Your Heart Out” on Sky1 TV
Are you or someone in your family blessed with beautiful singing voices? NOT! Wish you or they did have a great voice?

Maybe one member of your family has a potentially good singing voice but the majority are tone deaf? Does listening to Dad singing in the shower leave your ears aching? Does the local karaoke empty when your Aunty grabs the Mic?

If YES then read on……………

Love Productions are looking for families who have never sung before and would love some professional help to turn their family from a

cat’s chorus into a choir of angels in just three weeks……….

with some vital family bonding along the way.

Perhaps your family have been through a difficult time recently

and need a fun challenge to bring you all together and get

everyone communicating again.

Maybe your family have someone special they

would like to surprise and give the performance of their lives to?


Emily Green on 0117 9064350 OR
