African American Actors Needed for Christian Stageplay “Misunderstood”

African American Actors Needed for Christian Stageplay “Misunderstood”
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles
“Misunderstood” is a new stage play by Christopher Utley that challenges you to consider what, and sometimes who, you have to give up in order to live a life that pleases God. “Misunderstood” is a full length, two act play that takes a look at this hard-hitting truth.

Since giving her life to Christ, SHARON finally feels like her life is falling into place. But as her faith grows, her relationships seem to be growing apart. Her lifelong friend and college roommate LESLIE wants nothing to do with her or Christianity and her boyfriend DON can’t understand why her faith has to change their relations or their relationship. How do you “count it all joy” when you’re losing the people you count on? This is one of the difficult themes playwright Christopher Utley tackles with truth, humor and biblical perspective.


All characters are African-American, mid 20s.

SHARON: Dating DON. Recent convert to Christianity. On fire for Christ, but stands to lose her best friend and boyfriend due to her decision.

LESLIE: Angry and bitter. Wants nothing to do with Christianity. Fearful that she will lose her best friend, SHARON.

TANYA: Strong in her faith. Encouraging and supportive.

MICHELLE: Sister to TANYA. Truth teller. Witty. Humorous.

TINA: Leslie’s friend. Sassy. Abrasive. She is as loyal as she is judgmental.

DON: Dating SHARON. Immature. Unable to take life seriously. College student who lives his life like he is still in high school.

MIKE: Dating LESLIE. Semi-militant. Struggles with anger and rage, which leads to his downfall.

Casting Location: Los Angeles
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