Atlanta Casting Call

By | September 7, 2011

“Buried Flame”
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta
PROJECT TITLE: “Buried Flame”

PRODUCING COMPANY: Georgia State University Graduate Thesis Film – Drama.

SYNOPSIS: A high school socialite awakens half buried in a shallow grave and faces the impossible task of convincing her best friend that one’s identity and deep betrayal isn’t worth killing for.

Female, white, 18-26, thin, photogenic, blonde.
– Socialite who discovers her best friend’s murderous intentions too late to avoid a life or death confrontation.

Female, white, 18-26, thin, attractive, brunette.
– Alluring best friend who conspires to ensure the secrets about her past love life remain as ‘silent as the grave.’

Shooting Dates [1 week within this range of dates]:
[September 27 – November 8] [Specific dates TBA]
Send photo/resume ASAP [Auditions held mid-September in downtown Atlanta]
STUDENT, NON-UNION, PAYMENT = FOOD, GAS during production, and DVD COPY at completion.

Casting Contact:
Send headshot and resume to:


Sides will be sent to those selected for audition. Auditions will be scheduled after selection for audition.

Casting Location: Atlanta
Contact email:

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