Atlanta Casting Call “The Stub”

By | September 4, 2011

“The Stub”
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta, Georgia
Casting Call


PRODUCING COMPANY: Georgia State University Graduate Digital Production Film – Drama.

SYNOPSIS: A man is arrested for the alleged murder of his boss. He insists that he is innocent and asks his best friend to help him plant an item at his house for an alibi. His best friend must decide what is more important to him- helping his friend or upholding his morals.

Male, any race, 20-30, average weight and height, well kempt
– Aspiring chef, loves cooking, friendly. He has to decide whether or not he will plant an alibi for his best friend.

Male, any race, 20-30, beefy frame, slightly unkempt
– Laid-back, hardworking scientist who is arrested for the alleged murder of his boss.

Male, any race, 30-50, preferably bald, nerdy
– Leading research scientist at a company who has gotten greedy and takes the credit of his new, young employees.

Female, any race, 30-45, professional, well kempt, perky
– News reporter who reports the murder story on television.

Male, any race, 20-40, very beefy frame, intense, confident
– Security guard who guards the prison

Male or Female, any race, 25-40, average weight, attractive
– Detective who questions a character concerning the alleged murder

Shooting Dates [1 week within this range of dates]:
[September 27 – November 8] [Specific dates TBA]
Send photo/resume ASAP [Auditions held mid-September in downtown Atlanta]
STUDENT, NON-UNION, PAYMENT = FOOD, GAS during production, and DVD COPY at completion.

Casting Contact:
Send headshot and resume to:

[Katelyn Brammer]
[c/o Associate Professor Sheldon Schiffer, Department of Communication, Georgia State University, One Park Place South, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303

or to:


Sides will be sent to those selected for audition. Auditions will be scheduled after selection for audition.

Casting Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Contact email:

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