Auditions Film PA

By | March 12, 2011

Now casting feature film ‘Benny the Bum’

You must be available on March 16 2011 for auditions.

Philly fighter Benny “The Bull” Malone never had a problem taking his lumps inside the boxing ring. But after a year in prison, he finds his personal life packing more wallop than he’s ready for. While he’s been locked up, his brother and his girlfriend have fallen in love, and an old gambling debt has been festering. As Benny struggles to free himself of a troubled past, he meets Claudia, a recent college grad who’s run away from New York to find her voice as an artist. The unlikely pair find they have a lot in common, and through a friendship that pulls no punches, Claudia gives Benny the confidence to imagine a future for himself outside the ring.

(remaining roles)
CLAUDIA: Lead. early 20s. All ethnicities. Fine arts school dropout who flees New York City and a suffocating relationship for adventure on the streets of Philadelphia. Thoughtful, with a wicked sense of humor, her uncertainty about her future manifests itself in cartoon-like sketches. Beautiful, tough, and thoroughly confused. ($100/day. 10 shooting days)

DAVE: Supporting. late 20s, early 30s. White-ethnic. Benny’s older brother. White-ethnic mutt from blue-collar streets of Philly. Steady, responsible. In the absence of his incarcerated father, he’s developed a benign patriarchal impulse to fix everything for everybody. ($75/day. 4 shooting days)

JOHN: Supporting. 20s. All ethnicities. Benny’s childhood friend. Hairstylist. Used to run with Benny but he’s trying to put that lifestyle behind him.($75/day. 3 shooting days)

KEIRA: Supporting. 20s. All ethnicities. Benny’s ex-girlfriend and his brother Dave’s fiance. ($75/day. 3 shooting days)

RICK: Supporting. 20s-30s. Latino (or could be mistaken for such). Ex-convict, hapless thief. Tattoos–the more the better. He screams “ex-con.” ($75/day. 3 shooting days)

PAROLE OFFICER: Day-player. 40s-50s. White-ethnic, Hispanic, African-American. ($75/day. 2 shooting days)

MADAME STANKA: Day-player. 30s-50s. White-ethnic, Gypsy, Eastern European, Russian, Accent. Fortune-teller. ($75/day. 1 shooting day)

MOTEL MANAGER: Day-player. 30s-50s. All ethnicities. Runs a seedy motel. Unusual physicality welcome.($75/day. 1 shooting day)

BILL MALONE: Day-player. 50s-60s. White-ethnic. Benny’s father. Hard-living, incarcerated.($75/day. 1 shooting day)

Auditions for the film are by appointment only in Philadelphia on March 18, 2011.
Please submit your headshot and resume to Paul C at