Auditions for Latinos Movie ‘Chavez’ – Leading roles

By | December 6, 2011

Los Angeles and nationwide – Auditions for film Latin actors to play lead and supporting roles

Diego Luna is directing a new film entitled ‘Chavez’. ‘Chavez’ will be a film about the life of Cesar Chavez. The movie is now looking for Latin actors to play the lead roles of Cesar Chavez and his wife.

‘Chavez’ will be produced by John Malkovich, Russell Smith, Lianne Halfon & Canana Films. Chavez will be shot in both the U.S. and Mexico in the spring of 2012.

The casting directors are doing a search nationwide for actors to play the following roles:

Cesar Chavez – dark skinned CHICANO – 35 – 40 years old

Helen Chavez – dark skinned CHICANA – 30 – 35 years old

Dolores Huerta – dark skinned CHICANA – 30 – 35 years old

The story spans many years from the 1950s – ’90s & the founding of the UFW

CHAVEZ depicts the struggle of the produce workers in Southern California and their united effort to overcome racial injustice and economic discrimination. Cesar Chavez worked the grape fields of Southern California where working conditions were extremely poor and often hazardous. Chavez united the workers and eventually formed the National Farm Workers Association with Dolores Huerta. Cesar Chavez was a farm worker, civil rights activist and later a labor leader. His slogan was “Sí, se puede” roughly translated to “Yes, it is possible”. Chavez also brought pesticide use to the forefront and protested such uses in some cases by personally fasting for extended periods of time.

Chavez organized strikes and boycotts on produce that eventually led to better rights for the California farm workers.

If you have movie clips you may send those as MOV files only.
Actors can email head shots & resumes to:

Please note the deadline to submit your material is December 10th 2011

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